Restorative Conferencing Atlanta
RCA is a program under the umbrella of Atlanta Victim Assistance. Our work supports AVA’s mission to advocate for the fundamental rights of victims of crime with compassion, dignity, and respect.
The restorative justice model of community conferencing has the transformative power of disrupting the legal system and shifting collective values from punishment and exclusion to healing and repair. Where the legal system would separate the creator of harm from the people who endured the harm, conferencing brings them together for an opportunity for meaningful reconciliation and transformation.
Who We Are
Restorative Conferencing Atlanta was built out of a collective. Members include:
Dr. Lauren Abramson | Community Transformations, LLC
Karlie Sahs | Deputy Director, Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution
Judge Renata Turner | Presiding Judge, Fulton County Juvenile Court
Cynthia Tyner | Program Director, Fulton County Juvenile Court Mediation Program
Tracy Johnson | Executive Director, Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution
Melissa Heard | Heard Mediation