Restorative Conferencing Atlanta (RCA), a new program of Atlanta Victim Assistance, uses Community Conferencing to engage all persons who have been impacted by a conflict in powerful and healing dialogue. Community Conferencing comes from the whanau conference of the Maori, the aboriginal peoples of New Zealand, and is centered on the idea that people have the capacity to solve their own conflicts. This model allows everyone to be heard and assume a meaningful role in determining how to move forward and prevent similar conflicts from occurring in the future. RCA will receive referrals from juvenile and municipal courts; schools; and community-centered organizations in Atlanta and Fulton County. We aim to address the racial disparities within the legal system by diverting cases from the courts as well as resolving conflict before the court is involved. Each conference will be guided by a trained, neutral, and invested facilitator.
We envision communities that resolve their own conflicts and promote healing
Our mission is to provide a space and structure for people to engage in a process of justice that is equitable, restorative, and collective.
What we do
Conferencing in Courts
Offering an alternative from the typical legal system process that allows for everyone involved in a conflict to participate in its resolution
Conferencing In Schools
Building community within schools and providing students, parents, teachers, and administration an effective way to resolve conflict and prevent violence
Conferencing in Communities
Providing a process to allow communities to resolve their own conflicts
Feel free to contact us with any questions.